SPARK Particle Engine


SPARK is an open source library allowing to easily implement full particle systems in C++ applications.

SPARK has been designed to be :

Global Description

in SPARK, a SPK::System is a collection of Groups of Particles. A SPK::Group contains a SPK::Pool of Particles and defines an complete universe for Particle evolution. This universe holds 3 types of physical objects :

Those parameters are defined by a SPK::Model of Particles.
The Emitters and Modifiers are physical entities whose body is represented by a SPK::Zone.
A SPK::Vector3D is the primitive object used in SPARK to represents triplets of coordinates in a universe 3D.

Finally a system/groups can be renderered using a SPK::Renderer.

Generated on Wed Apr 27 21:09:25 2011 for SPARK Particle Engine by  doxygen 1.6.1