Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AABoxA Zone defining an axis-aligned Box
ArrayBuffer< T >A template buffer that holds an array of elements of type T
ArrayBufferCreator< T >Template class to create an ArrayBuffer
BufferAn abstract class that defines the interface for the additional buffers of Group
BufferCreatorA class used by a Group to create an additional Buffer
BufferHandlerA base interface that allows manipulation on Buffer
CollisionA Modifier that perfoms particle against particle collisions in the Group
CylinderA Zone defining a cylinder in the universe
DestroyerA Modifier that destroy particles
EmitterAn abstract class that defines an emitter of particles
GLExtHandlerA class to handle OpenGL extensions
GLLineRendererA Renderer drawing particles as OpenGL lines
GLLineTrailRendererA Renderer drawing particles as line trails defined by the positions of particles over time
GLPointRendererA Renderer drawing drawing particles as openGL points
GLQuadRendererA Renderer drawing particles as OpenGL quads
GLRendererAn abstract Renderer for the openGL renderers
GroupA group of many particles
InterpolatorAn interpolator that offers flexible control over particle parameters
InterpolatorEntryAn entry in the interpolator graph
IRRBufferA buffer to store particle mesh data to be rendered with Irrlicht
IRRBufferCreatorA buffer creator to create IRRBuffers
IRRLineRendererA Renderer drawing particles as lines with Irrlicht
IRRPointRendererA Renderer drawing particles as points with Irrlicht
IRRQuadRendererA Renderer drawing particles as quads with Irrlicht
IRRRendererThe base renderer for all Irrlicht renderers
IRRSystemA particle system adapted to Irrlicht
LineA Zone defining a line in the universe
LinearForceA Modifier applying a linear force on particles
LineRendererInterfaceBase Interface for rendering particles with lines
ModelA model of particles for particles' generation and evolution
ModifierA abstract class that defines a physical object acting on particles
ModifierGroupA Group of Modifiers
NormalEmitterAn Emitter that emits particles following a Zone normals
ObstacleA Modifier that acts as an obstacle on particles
Oriented2DRendererInterfaceBase Interface for rendering particles that can be oriented in a 2D world
Oriented3DRendererInterfaceBase Interface for rendering particles that can be oriented in a 3D world
ParticleA single particle (a point in space with a velocity and different parameters)
PlaneA Zone defining a plane in the universe
PointA Zone defining a point in the universe
PointMassA Modifier defining a point with a mass that attracts or repulses particles
PointRendererInterfaceBase Interface for rendering particles with points
Pool< T >A generic container to handle a pool of objects
QuadRendererInterfaceBase Interface for rendering particles with quads
RandomEmitterAn Emitter that emits in a random direction
RegisterableAbstract base class for SPARK objects
RegWrapper< T >A Wrapper class that allows to use any type of object as a Registerable
RendererAn abstract class that renders particles
RingA ZOne defining a flat ring in the universe
RotatorA Modifier allowing to rotate particle with their rotation speed
SFMLDrawableRendererA Renderer drawing particles as SFML Drawables for the SFML 2D rendering engine
SFMLLineRendererA Renderer drawing particles as lines for the SFML 2D rendering engine
SFMLPointRendererA Renderer drawing particles as points for the SFML 2D rendering engine
SFMLQuadRendererA Renderer drawing particles as Quads for the SFML 2D rendering engine
SFMLRendererAn abstract Renderer for the SFML renderers
SFMLSystemA System to use particle systems as SFML Drawable object
SphereA Zone defining a sphere in the universe
SphericEmitterAn Emitter that emits particles in a portion of sphere
SPKFactoryA singleton class that allows to easily define, create, destroy and organize SPARK objects (Registerable)
StaticEmitterAn Emitter that emits particles with no initial velocity
StraightEmitterAn Emitter that emits in a given direction
SystemA whole system of particles
TransformableAbstract class that allows matrix transformations
Vector3DA triplet of coordinates in 3D
VortexA modifier defining a vortex in the universe
ZoneAn abstract class that defines a zone in space

Generated on Wed Apr 27 21:09:25 2011 for SPARK Particle Engine by  doxygen 1.6.1