AABox | A Zone defining an axis-aligned Box |
ArrayBuffer< T > | A template buffer that holds an array of elements of type T |
ArrayBufferCreator< T > | Template class to create an ArrayBuffer |
Buffer | An abstract class that defines the interface for the additional buffers of Group |
BufferCreator | A class used by a Group to create an additional Buffer |
BufferHandler | A base interface that allows manipulation on Buffer |
Collision | A Modifier that perfoms particle against particle collisions in the Group |
Cylinder | A Zone defining a cylinder in the universe |
Destroyer | A Modifier that destroy particles |
Emitter | An abstract class that defines an emitter of particles |
GLExtHandler | A class to handle OpenGL extensions |
GLLineRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as OpenGL lines |
GLLineTrailRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as line trails defined by the positions of particles over time |
GLPointRenderer | A Renderer drawing drawing particles as openGL points |
GLQuadRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as OpenGL quads |
GLRenderer | An abstract Renderer for the openGL renderers |
Group | A group of many particles |
Interpolator | An interpolator that offers flexible control over particle parameters |
InterpolatorEntry | An entry in the interpolator graph |
IRRBuffer | A buffer to store particle mesh data to be rendered with Irrlicht |
IRRBufferCreator | A buffer creator to create IRRBuffers |
IRRLineRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as lines with Irrlicht |
IRRPointRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as points with Irrlicht |
IRRQuadRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as quads with Irrlicht |
IRRRenderer | The base renderer for all Irrlicht renderers |
IRRSystem | A particle system adapted to Irrlicht |
Line | A Zone defining a line in the universe |
LinearForce | A Modifier applying a linear force on particles |
LineRendererInterface | Base Interface for rendering particles with lines |
Model | A model of particles for particles' generation and evolution |
Modifier | A abstract class that defines a physical object acting on particles |
ModifierGroup | A Group of Modifiers |
NormalEmitter | An Emitter that emits particles following a Zone normals |
Obstacle | A Modifier that acts as an obstacle on particles |
Oriented2DRendererInterface | Base Interface for rendering particles that can be oriented in a 2D world |
Oriented3DRendererInterface | Base Interface for rendering particles that can be oriented in a 3D world |
Particle | A single particle (a point in space with a velocity and different parameters) |
Plane | A Zone defining a plane in the universe |
Point | A Zone defining a point in the universe |
PointMass | A Modifier defining a point with a mass that attracts or repulses particles |
PointRendererInterface | Base Interface for rendering particles with points |
Pool< T > | A generic container to handle a pool of objects |
QuadRendererInterface | Base Interface for rendering particles with quads |
RandomEmitter | An Emitter that emits in a random direction |
Registerable | Abstract base class for SPARK objects |
RegWrapper< T > | A Wrapper class that allows to use any type of object as a Registerable |
Renderer | An abstract class that renders particles |
Ring | A ZOne defining a flat ring in the universe |
Rotator | A Modifier allowing to rotate particle with their rotation speed |
SFMLDrawableRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as SFML Drawables for the SFML 2D rendering engine |
SFMLLineRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as lines for the SFML 2D rendering engine |
SFMLPointRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as points for the SFML 2D rendering engine |
SFMLQuadRenderer | A Renderer drawing particles as Quads for the SFML 2D rendering engine |
SFMLRenderer | An abstract Renderer for the SFML renderers |
SFMLSystem | A System to use particle systems as SFML Drawable object |
Sphere | A Zone defining a sphere in the universe |
SphericEmitter | An Emitter that emits particles in a portion of sphere |
SPKFactory | A singleton class that allows to easily define, create, destroy and organize SPARK objects (Registerable) |
StaticEmitter | An Emitter that emits particles with no initial velocity |
StraightEmitter | An Emitter that emits in a given direction |
System | A whole system of particles |
Transformable | Abstract class that allows matrix transformations |
Vector3D | A triplet of coordinates in 3D |
Vortex | A modifier defining a vortex in the universe |
Zone | An abstract class that defines a zone in space |